How to Use a Touch VPN with Netflix and Other Streaming Sites

5 min readMar 8, 2020


How to Use a Touch VPN with Netflix and Other Streaming Sites

Streaming sites are becoming popular day by day.

As the technologies have made it easy for us to watch our favourite movies and Tv shows anytime and anywhere, people are now using online streaming sites.

But the streaming sites have limited their contents within some specific countries. Vudu, a favourite streaming site, only limited its content in the USA.


If you are living in North Korea, you will not be able to watch movies and Tv shows of Netflix. So, we need to use a VPN for watching the contents of Netflix and other streaming sites.

Some VPN service providers give an exclusive cost-saving offer but don’t consider the security of the users and sell the information of the users to the third party.

Whatever VPN service you take doesn’t matter if it ensures the following things.

-Considerations before choosing VPN

Privacy Protection: The first and foremost function of the VPN is the privacy of the users. Read carefully the Privacy policy of the VPN service provider. If it ensures the highest privacy policy of you, then you can buy that VPN. Compatibility: We watch movies and Tv shows on different devices. You may use a windows-based laptop and iPhone. In this case, see the compatibility of the VPN. Speed and Reliability: The speed of the VPN depends on the location of you. The more you close to the server, the more speed you will get from the VPN. Some VPN service providers allow you to check the speed before paying for service. If you get the expected speed then buy the service from the service provider. Free or Paid: Although some VPN service providers allow you to use a VPN service, they will track your activities and collect information about your activities. Moreover, free VNP services are slower than the paid service.

-The Usages of the VPN for watching Netflix and other streaming sites

You need to
download, install, and set up perfectly to watch Netflix. Let’s see
the whole process of using a VPN.

Step 01: Considering the above factors, choose a VPN service provider that fits you. Focus on the two most important factors for enjoying the ceaseless high-quality movies on your device. The first one is the location and the second one is the speed of the VPN.

Step 02: Download apps for mobile and desktop and install the VPN software.

Download apps for your phone and download extensions or add-ons for your PC’s browsers. Download touch VPN for PC to securely and anonymously surf the internet.

Sometimes, you will have to download the VPN on the streaming device like firestick.

Step 03: Pay the subscription fee for the service.

Check the Boucher or Discount before paying money. Some VPN service providers give up to 70% discount for the first month. Some VPN providers offer 30 days guarantee to test and give reviews of their service.

So, you can use that VPN but remove your credit card if you face any problems in the time of using a VPN service within 30 days.

Step 04: Now install Netflix or the other steaming site.

Step 05:
Go to the setting option of the VPN and set the location of you in
those countries where the streaming sites allow for usage. If you use
extensions of Chrome or add-on of the firefox, you can change the
server location only a few clicking the extensions or add-ons.

Step 06:
Pay the subscription fee for the streaming sites. Some sites allow
you to pay only for the contents you watch. And some streaming sites
charge you monthly subscription fee regardless of your watching.

-What is touch VPN

Touch VPN is a VPN service provider that ensures high-quality security and is compatible with all kinds of devices.

It also offers a highly secure encrypted connection between the user and the server. So, the websites can’t track your activities and your location.

You can bypass geo-restrictions from anywhere and access all kinds of websites in the world.

-Reasons for choosing the Touch VPN

Worldwide Access for any kind of streaming content. Protects user and user’s information from the hackers. You can block the ads tracking. Supports all kinds of device and Operating systems such as Android, Windows Store, Google Chrome, ios, MacOS.

-3 Easy Steps to use Touch VPN

Step 01: Download and Install: Just download from the official site of the VPN. After downloading, the fill will install automatically.

Image result for Download and Install touch vpn

Step 02: Connect: You can connect to almost all servers in the world. It covers all most all areas of the world.

Image result for touch vpn connect

Step 03:
Enjoy: As it works worldwide, you can enjoy any streaming site from
anywhere in the world.

Security is the utmost priority in the time of using VPN but you also should consider the speed, monthly subscription fee, and other factors.

Touch VPN is one of the most secure VPN service providers. It gives the highest security at an affordable price.

You can use it not only for watching streaming sites but also for other works such as PC gaming, and online transaction.

Don’t be attractive only in the first month’s discount. Sometimes, VPN service providers offer a huge discount in the first month but they charge a high rate for the later months. So, check the pricing policy of the VPN service provider.

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