How to Save Money & Increase PPC Campaign Performance

4 min readDec 4, 2019
How to Save Money & Increase PPC Campaign Performance

Lowered advertising costs coupled with increased campaign performance might sound too good to be true.

However, increasing your PPC campaign’s ROI while lowering your total spending is not only possible, but also attainable for most businesses.

Lowering advertising costs should be at the forefront of any campaign manager’s to-do list, but often times it takes a backseat to things like ROI, or whatever specific KPI they’re shooting for.


In this blog we’ll show you not only how to realistically lower your total campaign spending, but also how to simultaneously enhance your overall PPC performance.

Below are over 10 of the very best tips for lowering your PPC campaign costs (and increasing ROI).

Focus on Getting a Higher CTR

Whether you’re running campaigns on Google or Bing (or any other search engine), one of the very best ways to lower the amount of money your spending is to increase your click-through rate (i.e. CTR).

How can you increase your CTR?

Write better copy, or have better visuals. It’s really that simple.

Having a higher CTR will directly translate to having a higher “Quality Score.”

If you don’t know what a quality score, it’s basically how Google grades your PPC performance.

If you have a high Quality Score, Google will charge you less money per click (otherwise known as CPC).

If you’re dead-set on lowering your campaign costs, having a higher Quality Score should be one of your top priorities.

Hit the following link if you’re looking for some more best PPC tips.

Utilize Ad Extensions

Ad Extensions are additional links/content that’s placed within your PPC ad on Google. There are numerous kinds of Extensions, all with specific purposes.

One of the top ways to increase your CTR is by including Extensions in your ads.

Not only can you include additional links, but you can also include contact information (e.g. telephone numbers), location details, or even links to mobile apps.

Having these different types of Extensions included in your PPC campaigns will undoubtedly increase your CTR (and lower your total expenses).

Focus On Geotargeting

One of the less common features of Google Ads is the ability to target according to location. Ironically, it’s also one of the best ways to have a higher CTR.

By targeting an audience in a specific location, you can craft copy/visuals that knows how to appeal to them.

Geotargeting is one of the absolutely essential strategies that local businesses need to be using on Google Ads.

Click Fraud Detection

Click fraud is one of the main reasons why businesses are overspending on their PPC campaigns.

How do you stop it?

Although you can stop some types of click fraud manually (albeit with a lot of effort), it’s generally recommended to hire a click fraud detection service to manage this for you.

Companies like ClickCease make dealing with click fraud incredibly easy (and fruitful — because lowered click fraud means a higher ROI and lower CPCs).

Dayparting 101

Do you know what dayparting is?

Believe it or not, but dayparting is actually one of the most underutilized features of Google Ads.

Dayparting allows you to choose specific times of the day to display your ad(s).

Using this tactic allows you to have much greater control over the display of your ads, but it’s also a double-edged sword.

You need to be very careful implementing dayparting, otherwise it could lead to decreased performance.

With that being said, if it’s done properly, day-parting is an excellent tactic to use for increased CTR and lowered costs.

Mobile Optimization

Mobile search is quickly becoming the platform of choice for searchers around the world. Are your ads optimized for mobile?

Just like with web design, mobile optimization is vital to the success of your campaigns.

Mobile ad spending used to very cheap compared to desktop CPC, however this is also quickly changing. Stay ahead of the game by optimizing your ads for mobile.

Remarketing is Hugely Undervalued

Do you know what you’re doing if you’re not remarketing?

You’re wasting all of your time strategizing, thinking of new tactics, writing copy, hiring ad managers, etc. for just one single user session.

Why wouldn’t you want to increase the chances of a conversion by remarketing to audiences across different platforms?

Remarketing is an awesome way to increase your PPC campaign’s overall effectiveness (and have a higher ROI as a result).

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